Got up and had good breakfast at hotel. Morris picked me up and we came back to his house and I checked email. Then we walked to the ball field with all the baseball boys. I was the coach, and we played 5 of the games we play at the Bright School. We played Fowl Ball, Soccer Baseball, Battleball, Tire Pull and Jaws with the parachute. They loved them all and had a blast. Then the boys suited up in the baseball pants, shoes and jerseys that we brought them and played baseball. They let me hit first, but I told them not to pitch it as hard as they can. I got a hit and then sat down and watched the rest of the game. A local girl with crossed eyes and a beanie sat beside me with a slingshot the whole time. I can't tell the girls from the boys, because all their hair is short. The girls wear skirts, that's the only difference and sometimes you can't tell if they are skirts. Some of the boys got me sugar cane today and cut it with a machete. It is so sweet and good. You chew it then spit it out. When we used the parachute we made an igloo, but they had never heard of one and didn't know what it was. One of the baseball players played barefoot, because he had no shoes. All their clothes are torn, dirty and a little smelly. But they want to high five me and so I do and I hug them. God will protect me from any germs or disease. But I am taking my malaria pills. Walked back to Morris's house and had some African sausage, not sure what it is though. We are now leaving to go to fellowship with his church friends and spending the night there and then going to church with them in the morning. I am to meet the Spiritual Mother. Love and Miss you all, Jan PS I'll let you know how the fellowship and church goes tomorrow, because we will not have internet.
This is where they get their water. |
Some local girls watching the baseball game wanted me to take their picture. |
Playing mountain collapse with the parachute with the baseball boys. |
Playing a little ball with the boys on Morris's baseball team. |
A local boy on our walk to the field cutting sugar cane with a machete. |
This is the nice potty. I won't show you the other one I used. |
Mercy mopping her concrete floor. She had to clean all the flying termites. |
A banana tree right beside Morris's house. |
Below are the chickens inside Morris's house eating the flying termites. They were everywhere! They come out at night after it rains. I was knocking them out of my hair inside the house.
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