Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 7, June 15,2014

We got up at 6:00 am and left immediately for safari in Maasai Mara.  This is bush country.  We saw lions, giraffes, elephants, etc.  We saw a majestic looking male lion with mane, lioness and her babies.  They were all eating on a carcass.  We also saw a black rhino.  We could hear a confrontation of a lion and elephant roaring at each other, but we couldn't see them, cause they were hidden in brush.  We saw a herd of buzzards eating on a carcass.  Then we came back around 8:45 for breakfast.  The boys and Gordon took a nap, but I went for a walk and found a small lake with a bridge over it and benches.  Since this was Sunday I sat there in the peace and quiet and read my Bible and prayed.  Then I wrote a poem which I will end with.  We then ate lunch around 3:00pm.  Then back on the road looking for more animals.  We saw giant wart hogs, more lions, a cheetah, impalas, gazelles, zebras, some more lions mating with scars on their faces and lots of different birds.  Oh and we saw several ostriches.  We went then to the river to look for hippos and crocodiles.  After looking in several spots, it started to pour rain.  Morrris said he had never seen it rain so hard.  The land was gushing with water and waterfalls.  Mellie, our driver, was afraid we were going to get stuck and Adam and Brandon were going to have to push us out.  Luckily we didn't.  Adam is having the trip of his life!  When we got back I was able to get on free internet for the first time and put many pics on.  Hope you could see them.  We ate dinner at 7:45 and as we did last night we sat around the table and told stories till almost 9:30. And now I'm blogging.

                                                                   '" AFRICAN DANCE"

Smiling faces, kindness, love
hearts that are open wide,
yet poverty and sadness
that makes me want to cry.

In a land of fantasy
in a surreal world far away,
I feel a deep belonging
that calls to me to stay.

I feel a realness in the people,
a sincerity of souls
built within a community
that only God's spirit can behold.

A land full of wild animals
and tribesmen in their dress,
a land where peace prevails
and gives my life a rest.

Yes, slow down busy life
listen to their chant,
follow a different drummer
move to an African dance.

1 comment:

  1. Every day is a new adventure, Jan! It is amazing and inspiring to see Africa through your eyes and words. You are experiencing more in a few days than many of us experience in a lifetime! Continue to have safe travels and memorable moments. I can't wait to read more! Miss you!
