Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 5 June 13, 2014

We got up at 8:00 and had breakfast at the hotel.  Loaded up and went back to the school so Gordon, Adam and Brandon could say good-bye to the students since they will not be back.  The cool thing about Morris’s school is that they grow all their food and meat.  They get rain water and boil it to drink.  Everything is fresh and right out of the garden.  Then Morris took us to the slums where thousands of refugees live.  Some of his students and baseball players are from there.  One of his families’ house made out of sticks burned to the ground and all their belongings.  We went to meet them and gave them some money as a gift to help them get started again.  All the houses were about as big as one room in our house and they are made out of mud or sticks with tin roofs that are all rusted and concrete floors.  The children have to sleep on the concrete floor.  She was so appreciative of the gifts and asked God to bless us.  As we went back to the van all the local slum children followed us.  I gave them all a piece of bubble gum and it was like I had made them the happiest kids in the world.  I almost started crying. They were all ragged and dirty with runny noses, and it was like I had just given them the greatest thing in the world.  We then went to Nukuru and to the mall to exchange money and get water for the safari.  Next we went to the Lake Nukuru National Park.  We checked into the most beautiful resort called Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge.  We ate lunch there and it was all you could eat.  I thought I was going to lose weight on this trip, but instead they are feeding us like crazy.  After lunch we drove about 5 hours thru the park and saw giraffes, wart hogs, impalas, water buffalo, rhinos, baboons, dik diks, gazelles, monkeys.  It was amazing!!!!  Took lots of pictures.  Then Mellie, our driver, took us to the top of the mountain where “Out of Africa” was filmed and we could see the whole lake and for miles.  It was beautiful!  We drove back to the resort and watched an African drum and dance show outside, then dinner.  At the end of dinner the dancers came in dancing and chanting all around the dinning room and finally circled our table.  I couldn’t figure out what was going on till they set a cake down in front of me and sung Happy Birthday in African. I was blown away especially when I found out Mellie had set the whole thing up and didn’t even tell Gordon.  This has been an incredible day! Adam and Brandon are keeping us all cracked up!  Oh I forgot at the outside dance, the dancers came and picked Adam and me to come up on the stage and do an African dance with them.  Of course, Gordon videoed it all. We have to get up at 6:00 am to head to the Masai Masa to continue our safari.  We thought we heard firecrackers tonight, but it was wardens shooting their guns at poachers.  


  1. What a way to spend your birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday Mom (mom-in-law, Gran Jan)! It looks like you all are having a great time. We love you and are glad you all made it there safely.

    Love Lee, Jess, and Wyatt
